Eric Marshall
Eric Marshall

Researcher & Master's Student

I am a currently undertaking a Master of Science at Waipapa Taumata Rau | UoA at the School of Biological Sciences. There I am researching genetic and molecular mechanisms that underpin extreme drought tolerance observed in a group of plants commonly referred to as “Resurrection Plants”, aptly named as they seemingly come back to life after extended periods of drought. If we put our Stats Hats on, statistically speaking, periods of drought are becoming more frequent and severe. Understanding how Resurrection Plants are capable of surviving drought will help us to protect our food systems.

I am also a tutor for Tuākana through which I have the opportunity to assist tauira navigate academia whilst also encouraging them to pursue post-graduate studies; having more Māori in academia is only a positive thing. I am also a part of Te Manga Matapopore, an advisory group that influences positive changes at UoA. Outside of study and work I enjoy gardening, but on a surprisingly large scale for an urban environment. With the help of a few friends, we are farming 400 plants that includes tomato, eggplant, chilli, cucumber, courgette, watermelon, and several herbs. If anyone enjoys a good farmers market, keep an eye out for us!

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